Our arguments going forward must acknowledge the negative perceptions held by the other side. Progressives must counter the other side’s perceptions, not with name calling and condescending arguments, but by telling a more compelling story that won’t get blocked by an automatic defensive reaction. We must emphasize how the positions we advocate will achieve outcomes that we and they both desire. But this can only be achieved if we understand exactly what they perceive our differences to be and where we have the potential for common ground. We must find a way to stop exclusively ‘preaching to the choir’ and instead actively address arguments that speak directly to the core concerns and visions of the Trump voter on which we can agree.
I firmly believe that Republican and Trumpian policy outcomes will come to be viewed unfavorably by those who voted for them. The most likely results of their proposed policies include attacks on entitlement programs, assaults on worker’s rights, and moves that erode individual constitutional protections. None of those outcomes are going to be popular. This country’s foreign and trade policies over the next four years are likely to result in widespread instability abroad and economic upheavals at home. We must remain engaged and try to mitigate those negative outcomes, but there is only so much that can be achieved from the minority seats at the table. As a result, these unfortunate outcomes will present an opportunity to shift to a new, more effective direction.
Progressives need to be prepared to deliver a better alternative that will resonate with the future disillusioned Trump voter. We must offer solutions that speak to the concerns of his supporters. We need to begin working now on an agenda that speaks to the core concerns that we all share. We need to package that agenda so that it clearly resonates with the persuadable Trump voter. The information you gather at these Thanksgiving encounters, and throughout the coming months, will be the essential building blocks required to craft a program that speaks to disaffected Trump supporter’s core concerns while still remaining true to the progressive vision for America.
Progressives need to be prepared to deliver a better alternative that will resonate with the future disillusioned Trump voter. We must offer solutions that speak to the concerns of his supporters. We need to begin working now on an agenda that speaks to the core concerns that we all share. We need to package that agenda so that it clearly resonates with the persuadable Trump voter. The information you gather at these Thanksgiving encounters, and throughout the coming months, will be the essential building blocks required to craft a program that speaks to disaffected Trump supporter’s core concerns while still remaining true to the progressive vision for America.
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